2021 Unique Issues in HIV Prevention, Treatment, and Care in the COVID-19 World
Presentation Slides
- Challenges and Opportunities in Providing Remote HIV, STI, and COVID-19 Testing and Services
Michael S. Saag, MD - Challenges and Opportunities for Preexposure Prophylaxis
Raphael J. Landovitz, MD - Vaccine Prevention for Individuals With HIV in the Era of COVID-19
David H. Spach, MD - HIV and COVID-19: Impact on Susceptibility, Disease, and Long-term Complications
Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH - Preventing Severe COVID-19: The Role of Monoclonal Antibodies and Beyond
Davey M. Smith, MD - Panel Discussion
Moderated by: Constance A. Benson, MD
Panelists: Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, Raphael J. Landovitz, MD, MSc, Michael S. Saag, MD, Davey M. Smith, MD, and David H. Spach, MD