On-Demand Podcasts: PrEParing for PrEP: From Policy to Implementation
The PrEParing for PrEP: From Policy to Implementation presentations are available in podcast format.
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- PrEP: State of the Science Overview
Raphael J. Landovitz, MD, MSc
- Strategies to Optimize PrEP: Schedules, Formulations, and Innovative Approaches
Jean-Michel Molina, MD - Assessing and Monitoring Persons Interested in Starting and Continuing PrEP
Hyman Scott, MD,, MPH - Ending the HIV Epidemic: The Impact of PrEP
Susan P. Buchbinder, MD - How to Reach the Hard to Reach: Policies and Strategies to Address Access to PrEP
Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH - Leveraging Administrative and Governmental Policies to Improve PrEP Utilization
Jeffrey S. Crowley, MPH - Expert Roundtable Discussion
Moderated by Henry Masur, MD, and Michael S. Saag, MD
Panelists: Susan P. Buchbinder, MD; Raphael J. Landovitz, MD, MSc; Jean-Michel Molina, MD, Marina Klein, MD, MS, and Hyman Scott, MD, MPH