New Orleans, Lousiana
December 4 – 7, 2019

You can download presentation slides as separate PDF files or as a combined document. Be sure to check the course page and agenda regularly for the most up-to-date information.

Conference eSyllabus

The conference syllabus is now available. Please note that conference materials in PDF format require Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher to view.

Final presentations slides are now available.

Conference Overview

Download PDF
File Size: 1.63 MD

Syllabus e-Book

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File Size: 14.3 MD


Presentation Summaries

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Preconference Session:
Basics of HIV Management Session for Practitioners Who Are New to the Field
Moderated by Laura W. Cheever, MD, ScM

Plenary Lectures

Friday, December 6, 2019

Plenary Lectures

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Plenary Lectures

Selected Summaries

A Multidisciplinary Intervention to Address Patients in Care who are Not Virally Suppressed
Paula Seal

Two-Pronged Attack: HIV Testing in a South Florida Healthcare System
Elizabeth Sherman

CrescentCare’s Immediate ART Continuum
Lorna Seybolt

Implementing a Program to Improve Patient Retention and Viral Suppression in a Community-Based Ryan White Clinic
Michelle Ogle, MD

The Undetectables Project
Andre Brutus, MD


Training and Resources

As a participant of the CLINICAL CONFERENCE and a recipient of funding through your Ryan White–funded clinic or program, you are encouraged to take the information and resources you obtained from the Clinical Conference and develop local trainings for those who were unable to attend.

Conference resources accessible:

Evaluation Forms

Be sure to complete the evaluations only at the end of each day when you have time to do so without interruption. If you begin an evaluation and stop before completing it, or if your evaluation session times out, you will need to reenter your responses from the beginning.

The Overall evaluation form will be activated in your IAS–USA account under My Activities on Saturday, December 7, 2019. Please note that you are required to complete the overall evaluation and posttest in order to claim CME credits, ABIM MOC points, Nursing or Pharmacy credits, or a certificate of participation for this conference. You may complete and submit an online evaluation and continuing education form by January 15, 2020. For more information about claiming credits and points for this conference, visit the FAQ page.