On-demand recordings of the general session presentations and case-based panel discussions are now available for registered and eligible attendees . Please note: meet-the-expert breakout sessions were not recorded.

For physicians who did not participate in the live activity, CME credits will be available for viewing the on-demand sessions approximately 2 weeks following the conclusion of the conference. Pharmacy and Nursing credits will not be available for viewing the on-demand sessions.


On-Demand Sessions

Welcome to Day 1

General Session Presentations

Day 1 Wrap Up

Special Sunday Panel Discussion

  • 40 Years of Progress: Looking Back at the Beginning of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Bay Area

    This special panel will feature a moderated discussion of those that were involved at the very start of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the San Francisco Bay Area.
    Moderated by Michael S. Saag, MD Panelists: Kathleen A. Clanon, MD, Director, Alameda Care Connect; Marcus A. Conant, MD, Cofounder, San Francisco AIDS Foundation; Alison Moed, RN, Head Nurse, AIDS Ward, San Francisco General Hospital; Michael Reyes, MD, University of California San Francisco; Paul A. Volberding, MD, University of California San Francisco; and others

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