IAS-USA HIV Drug Resistance Mutations: https://www.iasusa.org/resources/hiv-drug-resistance-mutations/
This contains a current list of mutations associated with clinical resistance to HIV and the accompanying user notes, regularly revised and disseminated by the IAS–USA Drug Resistance Mutations Group, are epublished in Topics in Antiviral Medicine™. The figures are also available as downloadable PDF.

Download the HIV Care Tools app: https://aidsetc.org/app

Free mobile app providing point-of-care reference materials and tools for HIV screening, prevention, and care

Best Practices Compilation: https://targethiv.org/bestpractices

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is collecting “best practice” utilizing intervention strategies that have been implemented in RWHAP-funded settings and improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum. We are currently focused on Emerging Interventions, which have shown real world impact, but do not yet have published research evidence.


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