Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and Prevention of HIV in Adults: 2024 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society–USA Panel
The guidelines are available as downloadable PowerPoint Slides.
Gandhi RT, Landovitz RJ, Sax PE, et al. Antiretroviral drugs for treatment and prevention of HIV infection in adults: 2022 recommendations of the International Antiviral Society-USA Panel. JAMA. 2024; doi:10.1001/jama.2024.24543. [epublished online December 1, 2024]
Importance: New data and new antiretroviral drugs and formulations continue to become available for the prevention and management of HIV infection.
Objective: To provide updated recommendations for HIV treatment and clinical management and HIV prevention.
Methods: A panel of volunteer expert physician scientists were appointed to provide updated consensus recommendations for 2024. Relevant evidence in the literature since the last report was identified from PubMed and Embase searches (which initially yielded 3998 unique citations, of which 249 were considered relevant); from ongoing monitoring of the literature by the panel members; from data submitted by product manufacturers; and from studies presented at peer-reviewed scientific conferences between June 2022 and October 2024.
Findings: Antiretroviral therapy continues to be recommended for all individuals with HIV. For most people with HIV, initial regimens composed of an integrase strand transfer inhibitor (InSTI), specifically bictegravir or dolutegravir, with 2 (and in some cases 1) nucleoside or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors are recommended. Recommendations are made for those with particular clinical circumstances, such as pregnancy and active opportunistic diseases, as well as for those unable to take InSTIs. Regimens may need to be changed for virologic failure, adverse effects, convenience, or cost, among other reasons. Long-acting injectable therapy is available for those who prefer not to take daily oral medications and for people struggling with adherence to daily therapy. Recommendations are provided for laboratory monitoring, management of substance use disorders and weight changes, as well as use of statins for cardiovascular disease prevention. For HIV prevention, oral (daily or intermittent) and injectable long-acting medications are effective options for people at increased likelihood of HIV exposure. Further, new tools for maintaining health and well-being among people with HIV, such as doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis to avert sexually transmitted infection, and strategies to treat substance use disorders, are recommended. Disparities in HIV acquisition and care access are discussed and solutions proposed.
Conclusions: New approaches for treating and preventing HIV offer additional tools to help end the HIV epidemic, but achieving this goal depends on addressing disparities and inequities in access to care.
Rajesh T. Gandhi, MD
Harvard Medical School
Raphael J. Landovitz, MD
University of California Los Angeles
Paul E. Sax, MD
Harvard Medical School
Davey M. Smith, MD
University of California San Diego
Sandra A. Springer, MD
Yale University
Huldrych F. Günthard, MD
University Hospital Zurich
Melanie A. Thompson, MD
AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta
Roger J. Bedimo, MD
University of Texas Southern Medical Center
Constance A. Benson, MD
University of California San Diego
Susan P. Buchbinder, MD
University of California San Francisco
Brenda E. Crabtree-Ramirez, MD
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición
Carlos del Rio, MD
Emory University School of Medicine
Ellen F. Eaton, MD
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Joseph J. Eron Jr, MD
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jennifer F. Hoy, MBBS, FRACP
Monash University
Clara Lehmann, MD
German Center For Infectious Research (DZIF)
Jean-Michel Molina, MD
University of Paris Diderot
Donna M. Jacobsen, BS
International Antiviral Society-USA
Michael S. Saag, MD
University of Alabama at Birmingham